Significant improvements were made this year with planning ahead, knowing what we now know from last year. First, the plants were all started from seed over a month ago. Last year, I don't think we got anything into the ground before June came around. Second, the dripping pipe system is now glued together and won't spontaneously burst. That means I can't pack it into the garage over the winter, but hey, I'm moving out in August. Third, the tomatoes have cages this year. Last year, they got all bushy until we tied them up. Not so good. Fourth, and this is the most important: WE DIDN'T PLANT A SINGLE SQUASH RELATED PLANT. Thank goodness. I, myself, subsisted off of steamed, baked, and microwaved zucchini for the better part of two months and all the spagetti squash spoiled in the garage.
To update all on BkE news, the final Lost party will be held next week, May 27, 2010. All are invited, Lost fans or no, to enjoy cake(s), confectionary, treats, and whatever else we can whip up. And 2 1/2 hours of Lost. Can't forget that.
Also, the BkE has two new heroes: Jake and J.J. They moved in 3 weeks ago. It is anticipated that hero Harrison and his brother, Clint, will also be taking up residence in July.
Thad's projectoritis finally came back in full force, causing him to stop working for a cure. We rearranged the basement theater to look like this.

1 comment:
Everyone keeps asking me why I'm moving in August. I will tell you.
I'm not.
Bret wrote this article.
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