Former Butterknife Estates bottom-dweller, Brandon "Coach" Forster recently made news in
the Statesman for his ice-resurfacing skills.

Previous to this late-breaking scoop by the intrepid staff of the university publication, Forster had already been spotted at a hockey game driving the Zamboni by his former slum-lord, Thad Gillespie. "When he passed by the first time, I tried to yell at him to get his attention," Gillespie explained, "but I guess he didn't hear me, since the rest of the crowd was doing the same thing."
It was then that Gillespie was struck with the idea to place a phone call to Forster in hopes that he could explain the situation across cellular telephone. "I could tell it was working, because he reached into his pocket and pulled something out. I expected him to answer it, but he just put it back in in his pocket." Gillespie said, "but he did look up to the student section right away with a smile and a wave."
Forster was not worried that his secret Zamboni job has gone public. "It might mess up my driving a little if fans start chanting my name now, but I'll get used to it," Forster reported.