Friday, October 24, 2008

Deep Fat Fried Friday Anyday!

Legend has it that the heroes of Butterknife Estates once acquired a deep fat fryer and spent evenings frying up whatever could be put into hot oil. That regular tradition has since fallen into ruin, but occasionally, that oil is heated once again to prepare such wonderful dishes as fried onions, potatoes, cheese, snickers and Twinkies.

While I have never prepared a Twinkie quite at good looking as the one pictured, they are quite tasty and rich. You too can participate in a deep fat fried Friday. Bring your random food items and we'll see to it they become a deep fried delicacy any day!


Thaddeus said...

Powdered sugar! That's what we needed!

hosander said...

try a PB &J (not lead) and let me know if it's worth my time.

stickman in the gallows said...

I liked how it only took ten minutes for you to find that I posted.

Jenette said...

That tradition may be one of the most alarming of all time! But good times I am sure...

Anonymous said...

Karl Malone say Dat not good for da tummy at 3 in da morning!

Kendra said... sounds like a really gross tradition, but I actually loved the potato chips and onion rings of the last fried friday (actually monday)....

The only problem (okay, besides the clogging of everyone's arteries) is that it makes BkE smell like hot grease. EEEWWW!