Okay here's the gist: Thad really wants a Wii but has no money, Coach (former BkE resident) wants access to a Wii and has no money, Bret vehemetly does not want a Wii, Jared (myself) has money (well...some) and moments where he wants a Wii terribly but others when he doesn't want it at all, Matt hasn't - as of yet - associated himself with either side of the debate, and Ben's getting married so his opinion doesn't matter. What's an off-and-on gamer to do?!?

Is it just hype? Does the system have any long-term value? Would it be a fun purchase for 2 weeks then become a dust collector? Plus every little periferal and game is that much more $$.
I have it on good authority that our local Best Buy is getting in a shipment of Wii's this coming Tuesday...pipe up before then to (possibly) influence the decision making process!!
get a wii
most definitely!
and get smash bros
and boom blox
just trust me
it's the most fun you'll have at a party
well...a wii party
Don't you have several friends with Wiis? Not that it wouldn't be fun to have a Wii at BkE, but if you're not sure and you have good, quick access to one (or several) already, I think you should spend your money on more practical things like owning all the seasons of LOST or on a trip to Disneyland (please invite me...I promise it will be WAY more fun with me there).
My observations about Wiis:
They are fun for parties, or at least parties with less than 8 people (since the Wii can only handle 4 at a time).
I can't see it being used individually for more than that 2 week hype you talk about... after that, you'll only use it when you invite people over.
So what's the verdict? Are you going to buy one tomorrow???
I might be warming up to the idea. I can provide the Gamecube games and controllers even. I mostly just disapprove of owning one (and I won't ever own one) and those strange 'wiimotes.' Strange indeed...
This is Coach I would like to thank you for making me look like I live in a cardboard box. I think the point I wanted to make was that you've wanted to buy a big tv or a wii. I'm to the point that you should just buy something :)
Buy the wii, Jared! Unless you are planning on moving to SLC. Then, buy a wii for the house.
I was called as a BKE alumni and was asked to donate to this cause. I happy to note that I donated a little over $1.15. Now I will get a wall in the BKE named after me.
Woah there! I want a wall too! Why hasn't anyone called me asking for donation?! Is my money not good enough?
Since many people have thought over the years that I lived there, I would be happy to donate $1.15 too. I don't need a wall named after me, though...maybe just a few holes in a wall in the basement could bear my name. ;)
That sounds like a confession to me! In fact, the double negative has led to proof-positive; I'm afraid you gave yourself away, Miss Hall.
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