Friday, November 28, 2008

BkE Heroes in the News

This video, starring former bottom-dweller, Jared, was created by friend to Butterknife Estates, Kendra. Most of the filming was done on location at BkE, with help from Matt and Thad.

Remember to stay for the credits.


hosander said...

was this really in the news or something you guys did for fun?

Beetle said...

That Jared is so hot right now . . .

Anonymous said...

Beetle you stole my line. Coach

Kendra said...

Although this has not been in the news, yet...I think someone should submit it anonymously to KSL next October as part of an ad for the Syracuse pumpkin walk!! :)

The real reason this was done: I had to devise and film an interview for a Video Production class...and I thought Jared and his pumpkin poking skills would suit the assignment nicely - and he did (in all his "hot"-ness). ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm SO sad that I didn't make it in the credits! Not even in the "special thanks" part! /sniff sniff

p.s. All that aside, You're so dang cute, Jared!