So calling all heroes, from the legend days of the BkE up to the present, we need your picture! It will be placed on the wall in the bare space above the stairs where all visitors can look in awe to those who were once among us. You have already passed past your residency here but your memory will always linger when your Kodachrome, Photogravure or Daguerreotype graces our space above the stairs.
do I count?
Of course! You're 1st resident. And I'm not sure the size we decided
Hahah! Great idea! Are you looking for digital or actual photos?
Ideally, we'd have a collection of black and white autographed 5x7's, but do you think that's too much to ask of our former residents?
And don't forget Tomika! I heard an engineer joke today: How do you tell the difference between and introverted and an extroverted engineer? The extrovert looks at your shoes when they are talking to you.
No, go ahead and ask for that. If it's too hard, ask them for a digital photo which you can print at Walmart for $.25 or so.
Do you have a nice pen for signing?
Wow...I wasn't even going to comment on this blog (although I'm excited about it and fully support it), but there was the most interesting word verification word presented to me that I had to do a Harrison-esque verification identification...
Elect (ĭ-lěkt') - verb (used with object)
1. to choose or select by vote, as for an office.
2. to determine in favor of (a method, course of action, etc.).
3. to pick out; choose.
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